
25. Oktober 2024

Winwood indeed

I had stated that Steve Winwood had turned his life over to the raven daimon, not just on occasion, but throughout the years, and as it turns out, he's actually sung about it:

Am I what I was or am I what I am? by Traffic
No time to waste when you need such a lot
Push your way in to the good things you've got

People keep saying you look very rough
Means that your clothes just don't look good enough

Trip out and grab it when life feels slow
Putting it on wherever you go

All over town people putting you down
Drive you out of your mind
How can they be so blind?

Don't speak too soon it might never come out
Hiding yourself like a red-coated clown

Closing your ears to the whispering sound
Remember when you were one of the crowd

No time to waste when you need such a lot
Push your way in to the good things you've got

Push your way in
Push your way in
Push your way in
Push your way in
Postscript from the same day. Boy, this is so fantastic, I have to let the world know: John Barleycorn Must Die, Winwood's best album by far. Back in the High Life was probably the first album I ever bought, Hertie, Elbe Einkaufszentrum, 1986, and somewhere in the imagination of my mind there was always this mysterious album that contained Valerie, I only found it on YouTube much later, Talking Back to the Night, a strange little album, only explicable as Winwood's answer to Arc of a Diver, the humbling penance for courseless indulgence, but although I had listened to Traffic already a couple of years ago, I completely missed Winwood and, whatever I was listening to, I didn't even like it very much, which really baffles me. Well... he was killing it in 1970.