
Zur Front

24. März 2016

Re-reading the Lord of the Rings, Chapter 30

The uniting theme in this chapter is the wonder of the Rohirrim at that which has come into their borders from beyond. It is a fitting continuation after the tumult of battle, a half unbelieving waking up to a changed reality.

And truly, you'll meet new friends, after common cause has pulled people together into strive. And some of those will be strange and it will appear surprising that they should be fighting on your side.

But so it will be, if you're not the aggressor and not the only attacked.

There is a funny little thing concerning etiquette here: Merry and Pippin make light of their charge to greet King Théoden to the point of insolence, they have no sense of awe or hierarchy. But what would have been appropriate, if Treebeard himself had greeted Théoden?

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