
Zur Front

17. Juli 2024

We live in serious times...

...and because of it, I've bitten my jestful tongue some. That way the attention remains reserved for the offensive and defensive announcements of those involved in a battle that we may judge its and their merit.

That being said, things are coming to a head. The Trump shooting was not an oversight, the shooter not a bad shot and the security detail not unaware of him. Since the shooter knew that he'd be treated as part of the security team, he figured it best to act like the rest and had his first shot hit, he may have gotten away before anyone had figured out what had happened.

Trump did turn his head exactly when the trigger was pulled. I do not believe that Trump himself staged it, the shooter does neither seem callous, nor fanatical enough to hit somebody nearby on purpose and then surrender his own life and Trump's body language is that of a man who faced death and beat it, but if he had the skill of David Copperfield he may have cut his ear with a file he had stowed up his sleeve when the secret service was huddling above him.

Of course, if that came out - and it would be pretty easy to come out, since the wound would not be the same - he and the security team would be party to a conspiracy to commit murder.

But as far as the security team goes, it seems so either way, the likely motive being the dilemma of the secret service protecting Donald Trump in a New York prison.

Anyway, as for the question whether Donald Trump is indeed the eighth king, I must object to the idea that And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed. is referring to any king, because the first six kings are not associated with the beast in any shape or form, just as The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. does not describe a president who lost the presidency only to regain it.

Still, Trump is collecting beast points, if you like. On that note, it is far more important that Trump's pick for vice president, James Donald Bowman, cites Curtis Guy Yarvin as a primary influence, because Yarvin openly says that countries should be run by CEOs and is funded by the usual suspects, i.e. Peter Thiel's Founders Fund and Andreessen Horowitz.

It's not really a new idea, it's what Walt Disney wanted EPCOT originally to be, on a city scale, or these days Mohammed bin Salman Neom. One could also say that it's just Hitler's concept of a Germanic Democracy, in which a leader is entrusted by vote with the well-being of the state, although Hitler later preferred to entrust the CEOs of the leading corporations with the bulk of that and envisioned Germania as their nerve center, closely resembling EPCOT, only less of a prototype. Oddly enough, nothing of that ever gets built, but it appears the idea to use technology to build something really kick-ass isn't dead yet.

I hold of course that the political culture is more important than the more tangible infrastructure, but the age of works conditions us to seek progress through infrastructure, and that's why overbearing infrastructural utopias remain a venue of progressive aspirations, that is, it's actually quite hard to come to understand what other forms of progress there are, that is, what the nature of the other ages is.

In any case, by proclaiming these aspirations, Trump reaffirms historical accountability and does away with the postmodern lack thereof, and that is precisely what the succession of the whore by the beast is about. It would be foolish to see more than a directional change at the time being, but the demand to determine one's fate to the best of one's ability is becoming more popular. Of course, it's one thing to yearn and another to achieve. The age of works is ending and no conception of our further progress has yet taken root. I prefer it though when it is learned by what the aim is missed than when dictated aims are attained, because there is only disjointed preservational understanding in the latter.

Ah well, I don't even want to start counting on how many toes I've stepped here, but I don't want to cut my own tongue out when something has some value.

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