
Zur Front

9. August 2019

The importance of listening

As I stated in Aktivität und Passivität it is vital for people who suffer under their social circumstances to be passive (i.e. patient) enough to study them and allow others to coalesce with them.

As I also stated there most people are clever enough to know this.

Hence it follows that in times of tension there are groups of people waiting to throw their support behind a leader who will listen to their plight.

What political activists usually don't understand is that these groups are massive, unlike their own ventures, and once set in motion they soon determine the course of the society in question.

Marx said that history first repeats itself as tragedy and then as farce. Let's look at that from our perspective in 2019 A.D.

The French Revolution caused the tension and Napoléon Bonaparte harvested the support for his ends.

The Great Depression caused the tension and Adolf Hitler harvested the support for his ends.

The pouring out of the vials of the wrath of God causes the tension and Jesus Christ will harvest the support for his ends. However, since the mechanism is by now understood so well, there will be attempted and even successful temporary usurpation of the support, although at no time to the same degree that Jesus will command. And these machinations appear indeed farcical, because they're not aware of the severity of the situation.

Still, even in this farcical setting the situation is severe enough to pay close attention to the plight of the people, because failure to do so will enable somebody else to usurp their support, and that is not without consequences. Essentially it'd mean more turmoil.

Trump is acting sensibly, but I doubt that he can ever attain the stature in the public eye that he has set out for himself. The pressure is solely on him, it comes from the media and the media don't put pressure on themselves. It is quite clear that the tension will continue undiminished. Eventually, of course, something big will break.

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