
Zur Front

30. Juni 2016

A contribution to socialist internationalism

If we consider two such societies (s1, s2) with ws1>ws2 for some non-specified work and a number of respective workers migrating from s2 into s1, which amounts to a fraction (f) of the total respective workforce, the publicly accepted wage ws1 cannot do better than to approximate fws2+(1-f)ws1.

Remark 1. This statement holds for employees, not for self-employed workers. The latter always strive to approximate the local publicly accepted wage.

Remark 2. For simplicity's sake wages are defined to measure the amount of money that a worker has left after paying for the necessities of life.

Remark 3. More generally put, the above statement assumes perfect organisation on part of both the employer and the employee. The public is of corse not perfectly organised and because of this it can't press a self-employed migrant to work for ws2. On the other hand we have the fact that many employers are indeed better organised than their employees, which might at worst allow them to push ws1 down to ws2.

Analysis. Work migration benefits big, well-organised employers most and self-employed migrants. It hurts local workers proportional to the given formula, if both sides of the class war are ruthless and cunning. The only way how unlimited work migration will not replace all publicly accepted wages by the global minimum (long term, selective breeding included, allowing f to approximate 1) is by self-employment, private initiative and a healthy market-place with many independent participants of good will.

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