
Zur Front

18. Dezember 2020

The enemies of Christianity: Then and now

Ever watched a film with half a bottle of vodka in your blood and seen time almost come to a standstill allowing you to parse every scene for its possible significance? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to somehow capture the experience? Alas, it isn't possible. Likewise the glory of a sudden realisation of unlikely patterns can't be fully communicated. But think about it: Christ hits the road and immediately after gnosticism appears. To Christians it's purposeless pleasure seeking and to gnostics Christianity is dangerous fanaticism. And from the beginning the gnostics target the Revelation. It is what your fanaticism will wreak upon the world, because you don't understand the nature of Barbelo. About 2000 years later and hedonism has made a comeback and Sigmund Freud attests Christianity to pursue too high a behavioral ideal. But think of the time in between!

Christianity didn't show any fanaticism for 1000 years. What difference had it made until 1000 A.D.? Around 500 A.D. there was a coordinated attack on it, the Arabs in the east, the Visigoths in the west and the Yoruba in the south, assuming that their religion is just as old as Ogun, who likely came about together with the art of melting iron, i.e. around 500 A.D.

It was a real attack, but it didn't succeed. Christianity survived, but only by promising the Vikings any lands they could conquer. They conquered Normandy and later England. Then Christianity started to make a difference. Progress started in Italy, then moved to France, later to England and Germany and the rest of Europe. By 1700 the world saw the power of Christianity.

And here we are today. And the charge against Christianity is the same as in the beginning: They call it sustainable development, they call it a life affirming philosophy. Can you appreciate the shape of this?

But if Christianity isn't dead, what will the fanatics dream up next?

[Exit with roaring laughter.]

No, seriously, it's all about the power of the soul.

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