
Zur Front

25. Juli 2023

The nature of spiritual war

Chapter 12 of the Revelation describes a spiritual war, which is a recurring event associated with the transition of one aeon into the next.

I've stated that despite the beastlike characteristics of the red dragon this war took place when Christ reformed religion 2000 years ago, and there is no doubt about this, but since the beastlike characterisation is given: It's meant to clarify that it is this dragon, which was forced to wage its war on the earthly plane, that gives the beast its power, seat and authority.

This war is, as I've said before, a war between the ideals of the outgoing aeon and the emerging one. But I have not described the characteristics of the warfare.

When people cling to different ideals, the behavioural alignment of a group of people clinging to the same ideal creates spiritual stress in the mind of its opponents, who, during transition periods, often are not behaviourally aligned with anybody, so that the spiritual stress is mostly a one-way street. But as a result, prayer is mostly working in the other direction, though not in response to the stress itself, but in response to any aberrations that occur within the framework of the opposed alignment.

So, when you break with the old standard, the spiritual activity of its adherents pulls at you, which you have to endure without complaining, but when that activity becomes transgressive, you'll pray to God to set things right, which could be seen as the intervention of angels.

The Prophecy talks about these things, but not quite in the right way: Humans have always been connected to God and each other as they are now, and they're still praying to God as they've always done. There is a change in how the clergy presents the spiritual reality, or more generally how it tries to serve it, but the reality itself stays the same. So, when the next war comes, it'll just be the same as the previous one as far as these things are concerned.

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