
Zur Front

28. November 2019

True and pseudo renewal of the temple

When John made straight the way of the Lord, he moved people to help each other in each other's affairs, so that they would be free to appreciate the grace and the truth, which came by Jesus.

Thus, through grace, the truth of the temple was renewed. And, by now, this renewal has become Dionysian: the truth is being abandoned in a calculated effort to renew it. Our grace is the grass that is mowed to make it grow more profusely.

Thus, too, the second coming is spited, since he, who mows the grass, is master of the renewal.

But as mean as this effort may be, it matters not, since the next renewal of the temple is of another kind.

The truth exists in sufficient degree, it is that we lack in affairs, and for Christ to lead us on the way of the Lord, people must assume the responsibilities from which arise the holy affairs. Thus, we must be moved to readily accept responsibility for what we hold dear.

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