
Zur Front

8. Januar 2020

Strange whispers

You let someone decide who may knock on your door, you sign with blood.
You let someone decide what is friendly towards you, you sign with blood.
You let someone decide what needs to be said, you sign with blood.

Because such an arrangement is simply too good to let go of and
once blood has been spilled in cause, you don't change course.

Look at all the political hacks, how they spread their talking points, irrigating the rich landscape of public discourse, so that we shall have heard of everything and yet remain loftily above the fray.

But see how subtle it is: What prevents us from taking a side is merely the attitude. If a man of the grand posture addressed a hack as his equal, the barrel of aloof discourse would've let us seen its bottom and shown that it is empty. And then it's free for all.

However, it is no good to take the lead in a pack of hyenas, for even evil will be attacked by the evil, if they can advance thus. So to revolt drive them on ambivalent ground, until they bury their teeth in a cause that soils them. In their shame you resplend.

It sure looks ridiculous, until it's done. And then it appears as a tragic accident? In any case, stay clear of it.

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