
Zur Front

2. Februar 2020

The nature of revelation

A man might begin with a splinter in his mind that tells him that there is more to life than what dominates his daily affairs, whence he turns to his idea of what life should be, exploring his beliefs, his preferences and his conscience, and finding that they're at odds with the times, he might ask his creator for a way that leads him out of the latter.

If he is shown a way then, on which he decides to travel in pursuit of holier circumstances, because another splinter continues to tell him that it's the way to them, the transformation he has thus accepted to take part in might in fairness be described to him by the mind that knows the order of all things.

Though little is known of the source of revelations, and I have speculated much, it appears to me now natural and quite certain that a believer isn't supposed to stagger blindly onward forever, but will receive a glimpse of the elected transformation fitting the powers of his understanding.

It is so, because we must reconcile our prayers with our conscience. If we pursue a transformation, we'll have to answer for what we are doing. And I am still prepared to answer for the transformative power of the light that connects people in the matters that are dear to them.

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