
Zur Front

4. Januar 2022

The end of the kindergarten

In light of what I've posted in the last post on the subject and these numbers from Indiana, it is safe to say that we are having a situation due to the activities of medical researchers. The government response to the original situation has been to trust the experts who caused it to solve it in their own peculiar way of patient infantilisation. But they've only made it worse. It would seem to me that we are passing the lethality threshold at the end of the range within which we can simply shrug things off.

You know, it is rather disturbing that Alex Jones has been talking about animal experiments with mRNA-vaccines from the get-go, describing fairly precisely the types of damage being done, I mean, for his standards. The volume isn't yet there, things are slower moving, but they are moving in the legendary rat studies direction.

It is quite pointless to fact-check the man, he says things that can be made true or false at some later point, at least in some general sense. Just like he claims to look for signs for the direction in which the elites want to move, I'm looking at him for the same purpose. It is easier. Of course, any of it only makes sense where history unfolds as theatre.

This is an interesting point, because it is precisely the type of person who thinks that history is shaped by technological progress who's being fooled by his own inconsequence here, for he cannot see the warning signs that this is theatre, and by that I do not mean chapter 17 of the Revelation which gives the plot away, but the rather obvious scientific reasons why there won't be any technological progress along this path, namely because it's sketchy in the extreme and can only lead to consumer benefits: Coca-Cola might be a good investment, but it's not progress.

These people try to navigate technology without understanding it. And they think that what they can recognise as theatre only serves to guide the masses along the path of progress.

No. All of this is coming to an end. The era of the clever idiots. Not only the aforementioned, but all the shallow profiteers of social patterns they exploit. It's better, too.

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