
Zur Front

14. Mai 2019

Qui tollis peccata mundi

I'm listening to Beethoven's Gloria and my thoughts go back to a line that Sam Storms wrote:
Don’t be misled by their declaration that they admire Jesus, that he is a wonderful, wise teacher and philosopher or moral guide. When the truth of who Jesus is finally dawns on them, that apart from their trusting in him for forgiveness of sins they will suffer eternal separation, their hatred will come to the surface.
But is this not comical? Philosophy is ethics, logic and physics, and Jesus taught all of that, although some may prefer metaphysics to physics in describing it, yet, it is understood that we're talking about Him as a moral philosopher, an expert on ethics. But then, what would you look for in a wonderful, wise teacher of ethics but a way that would allow you to escape man's sins? To look for anything else in any teacher of ethics is sheer insanity. So what are those people finding out? That there are people who have an interest in overcoming sin? People, who are actually interested in what a moral philosopher has to say as a means to help them in their plight? Is it not comical? It finally dawns on them that not everybody is a hypocrite.

When man will see his sin, he will suddenly understand that ethics isn't meant for advertising. It is the blindness of the many to a truth as simple and foundational as this that makes exclusion a deep and wide and joyous experience.
And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
The soul of the believer, if destroyed, is destroyed in hell, the soul of the unbeliever, if unchanged, is destroyed on earth.

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