I dreamt music.
And while we're at it, let me introduce a musical notation:
/ c.A.F_,_ G.A.G F, F E E D, D Cis Cis_ C.
/ c.A.F_,_ G.A.G F, F E E D, D Cis Cis_ C.
c_ A.c.A., F_ D, B_ G.B.G., E_ C
A_ G.A.G., G A B c, F_ G.F., E_ C_
- c(is etc.) d e f g a h: upper octave,
- C(is etc.) D E F G A H: lower octave,
- /: silent note (pause),
- ,: bar,
- .: half a beat,
- :: a quarter of a beat (:.: 3/4),
- _: hold until bar is complete (proportionally to the lengths of the underscores, when more than one is used in one bar).
/ c.A.F_,_ G.A.G F, F E E D, D Cis Cis_ C.
/ c.A.F_,_ G.A.G F, F E E D, D Cis Cis_ C.
c_ A.c.A., F_ D, B_ G.B.G., E_ C
A_ G.A.G., G A B c, F_ G.F., E_ C_
Labels: 29, formalisierung, formalismus, kompositionen