
Zur Front

17. Juli 2020

The end of the panic

Today is the first day that I didn't get a little sicker when I looked at the Drudge Report. Drudge still has the same headlines and I still have a sick feeling in my throat like I might have to spit blood, but the panic is gone.

I'm really not inclined to panic and a few near death situations behind the wheel of my car are testimony to it, but the thrust of the will to push the masses in the direction of mindless obedience was palpable.

At first, there was nothing that we could do but wait and watch Shaun of the Dead. But by now enough data has amassed that we can be sufficiently assured of our estimations and not forcing a reasonable discussion now, not putting an end to selective analyses, would mean that the next time we laugh, it isn't gallows humour any longer, but sardonic humour. It's about time to sober up.

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