
Zur Front

25. November 2020

The quarterly corona virus report

Weekly moving average daily deaths per million
  • Spain, Apr 4: 18.81
  • Spain, Nov 24: 6.03
  • Germany, Apr 20: 2.87
  • Germany, Nov 24: 2.95
  • Sweden, Apr 16: 9.68
  • Sweden, Nov 11: 2.64
Germany's spring deaths are anomalously low compared to the international standard and not the result of any special medical precautions. Either some other circumstance spared Germany then or the corona virus was simply not established as the cause of death. Now, in the autumn, Germany's deaths seem to be comparable to Sweden's, though the comparison might still deteriorate for Germany seeing that Sweden has already passed its peak. Spain seems to have consistently twice the deaths of Sweden. It would appear that public policy has little to no effect on the virus, but climate has, for it is less deadly in summer and populations used to cold weather seem to be better adapted to cope with it.

As for Germany's recently passed legislation, the question arises what new circumstances have arisen that would require a new law. As another naturally occurring flu virus the corona virus is nothing heretofore unseen. And if it is something else, I'd prefer legislation banning and punishing the artificial development of viruses.

Finally, on the matter of vaccines, I'd like to claim the right to resort to faith healing rather than putting faith in scientifically questionable medical procedures. Speaking of which I'd also like to note that because of the connection between body and soul doctors and nurses are not allowed to talk to patients in a way likely to make them despondent since that would amount to killing them in a certain number of cases. This right, it would seem, is reserved for journalists and politicians.

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