
Zur Front

3. September 2021

Keeping my head screwed on straight.

So I took a walk today and answered some questions that I had and I come back and listen to some podcasters and all of a sudden all kinds of foolish impulses rock my mind. So let me say this to sweep them out.


You have to completely reject the idea that you may suffer any disadvantages because of your belief. Like anybody else, you simply believe what in your analysis is most advantageous. And in particular there is not a single religion that isn't built on a broad understanding of advantageous behaviour. If someone mocks the concept of religion, he's mocking the concept of the scholarly pursuit of ethics. If someone does insane things, he's courting his own misery, whether God deals him a coup de grâce or not. I have never seen a loathsome person who wouldn't have drowned in his own evil within 20 years, starting no sooner than from the age of 16. And when your belief tells you to take another path than what would be a workable solution, then you are working towards something bigger, but working towards it you must, listening to your own heart.

For instance, the straitjackets that our governments want to force us into these days do naturally evoke a militant attitude that, if assumed, would terminate the endeavour - and very quickly at that. My reluctance towards this path, and I mean this in a general sense, not taking it personally, but wishing for it to be taken, has to do with its destination, which would be a rather chaotic place: As much as I want to get out of this, I want to arrive at a promising place. Now, the right immediate action in my mind is to bless those who resist this (by more or less involved acts of subversion) and to curse those who push it. Then it is almost certain that the latter's insecurity will lead them down a path on which they'll make their states less dependent, and once they'll have achieved that, their states will be worth overthrowing, not before. In this context I have been asking myself the question whether supposedly brave men should be reprimanded for their apparent cowardice, so as to help with the transition towards greater national independence, but my heart tells me that there is no need for this, that the cowardice is a ruse and designed to provoke the necessary public outrage to make the transition. Likewise, in terms of the Revelation, I'm currently leaning towards an ascent of the eighth king that isn't aided by the fifth vial, but then again chapters 17 and 18 cannot be literally fulfilled without it, and they have to. Right now though China is moving the pieces of the puzzle and forcing a response and all the mess around us greases the skids for it.

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