While notions are discrete logically they are physically blurred by the neural nets that implement them and the purpose of any terminology is to train these nets in such a manner that the logical discreteness of the underlying notions is preserved. That being said, the way I arrive at terms is by either
There is a habit in science to use foreign languages, especially Latin and Greek, as source material for scientific terms. There is also a habit in some sciences (e.g. mathematics) to use non-sense terms, i.e. terms that make no intuitive sense (ring, field, ideal, etc.) Applying non-sense terms to the natural logical forms of our thinking would be ruining the thinking of anyone who tries it, and while some languages may be better equipped to express these forms than others, it would still be a mistake not to seek them in one's own language.
Besides that my knowledge of no foreign language is sufficient to employ centering, aspectual neologisms, aspectual fixation and circumstantial fixation with any grace on all the logically discrete notions that I'm studying.
Still, I may try my hand at an English glossary.
Honourabilities (Ehrbarkeiten)
- centering a common notion, i.e. restoring its precise meaning,
- aspectual neologisms, i.e. formally modifying a common notion so as to express a particular aspect of it,
- aspectual fixation, i.e. reducing the meaning of a common notion to a particular aspect of it, and
- circumstantial fixation, i.e. restricting the meaning of a common notion to a particular situation, in which it is being used.
There is a habit in science to use foreign languages, especially Latin and Greek, as source material for scientific terms. There is also a habit in some sciences (e.g. mathematics) to use non-sense terms, i.e. terms that make no intuitive sense (ring, field, ideal, etc.) Applying non-sense terms to the natural logical forms of our thinking would be ruining the thinking of anyone who tries it, and while some languages may be better equipped to express these forms than others, it would still be a mistake not to seek them in one's own language.
Besides that my knowledge of no foreign language is sufficient to employ centering, aspectual neologisms, aspectual fixation and circumstantial fixation with any grace on all the logically discrete notions that I'm studying.
Still, I may try my hand at an English glossary.
Honourabilities (Ehrbarkeiten)
- Connectedness (Verbundenheit)
- Rightness (Rechtschaffenheit)
- Peace (Frieden)
- Connectedness (Eingebundenheit)
- Righteousness (Rechtschaffenheit)
- Ability (Können)
Outreaching (Offenherzigkeit)
- Right guiding (Rechtweisung)
- Outhelping (Beispringen)
- Possessedness (Besessenheit)
- Apprehensiveness (Beklommenheit)
- Uneasiness [e.g. hemming and hawing] (Betretenheit)
- Heed (Achtung)
- Care (Sorge)
- Lust [Old English] (Lust)
- Intellect (Verstand)
- Reason (Vernunft)
- Illustration (Anschauung)
- Pursuit (Verfolgung)
- Concretisation (Einlösung)
- Execution (Auslösung)
- Experiences (Erfahrungen)
- Composure (Haltung)
- Plans (Vorhaben)
- Dealings (Umgänge)
- Reminders (Vorhaltungen)
- Priorities (Bestrebungen)
- Patterns of development (Entwicklungsmuster)
- Treatments (Behandlungen)
- Aims (Abzielungen)
- Dearness (Wertschätzung)
- Love (Liebe)
- Fondness (Anteilnahme)
- Preference (Vorliebe)
- Subjective belief (subjektiver Glaube)
- Conscience (Gewissen)
- Compelledness (Aufgerufenheit)
- Meaningfulness (Bedeutsamkeit)
- Assuredness / purposefulness (Zuversicht / Sinnhaftigkeit)
Holiness (Heiligkeit) of Dealings (Umgänge)
- Familiarity (Geheuerheit) instilled by Reminders (Vorhaltungen)
- Appropriateness (Stimmigkeit) of Priorities (Bestrebungen)
Labels: 34, formalisierung, gesetze, institutionen, sehhilfen, verzeichnis, wahrnehmungen, ἰδέα