
Zur Front

9. April 2024

Confused? How about some defusion?

If you look at the political ambitions of our time, you should first notice that they fall into three categories, namely:
  1. No way!
  2. Come on, cut it out! and
  3. It's bad, but what can be done about it?
The ambitions of the first kind are destined to fail, those of the second kind represent an artificial reservoir for future heroics (either by reactionaries or counter-revolutionaries) and those of the third kind follow the second law of thermodynamics, i.e. the dictates of technological progress.

That our so called free will, including our political decisions, is in reality dictated by the second law of thermodynamics doesn't agree with our ego, but reasonable people must accept the fact, for the second law of thermodynamics would punish them, if they didn't, that is to say: The reality of competition wipes out dreamers.

From that perspective every higher aspiration must justify itself as a means to attain greater power: Honour is useful, because it evokes obedience and obedience allows humans to act as hierarchical organisations. Righteousness is useful, because it replaces self-interest with the interest of the whole, which thus gains a uniform direction along which it can progress (universality, in short).

And precisely because higher aspirations can justify themselves as means to attain greater power, reasonable people who acknowledge the dictates of the second law of thermodynamics must care to keep them alive, but in a form that supports the course dictated by the law.

National Socialism openly accepts this  reality in its core tenets: Meine Ehre heißt Treue. (My honour is called loyalty. - the motto of the SS) and Du bist nichts, dein Volk ist alles. (You are nothing, your people are everything.), but an open embrace of this reality causes inherent diplomatic problems, whence it is preferable to inspire deference to authority and convincedness of one's nation's mission by other means.

The immediate cause for this course is competition. And since competition is on the rise, so are efforts to channel deference and conviction. And it seems to me that Elon Musk is a central figure in this plot and that Tucker Carlson is helping. But they must work with something and the entire effort is much wider and has been prepared for some time, cf. what I wrote on December 17, 2017 and November 1, 2020.

The intellectual inability of our society to come clean about the strings that pull at it fuels both its deceitfulness and its obsession with Nazi parallels, quite like a spinning rubber ball, painted white on one side and black on the other that keeps bouncing off the walls. Now begins the great resurrection, the great rebuilding of the future: Cut it out! it bounces off the walls and it is being cut out! And at the same time the social consensus moves even further towards curfews and socage, sprinkled with some fun toys.
Homo homini lupus est - but look at that fur!
By the way, socage isn't even a bad thing, and neither are curfews, if they are truly embraced by the consensus, actually they'd be glorious then, but the movement of the consensus towards them will of course be of the socially stratifying kind.

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