
Zur Front

20. Juni 2022

Concerning the maturation of some immature speculations

I've taken on many vantage points over the years, sometimes deliberately reducing the world to a specific model. And so it is a little awkward to refer to these instances in an effort to illustrate the development of my reasoning.

Anyway, I'm opposed to injustice and unjust wars and oppression in particular. Actually, I'm even opposed to unrighteousness. And in March 2020 I realised that unrighteous people would prefer it, if war became impossible, unrealistic though it is. Do I think that unrighteous people allow themselves this degree of unrealism? No, I don't. I was then only considering the possibility that some progress in the war on war could be achieved along the trend line of false promises, i.e. Bush promising faith and Obama wisdom, while delivering nothing of the kind.

Yet, the cause du jour then and still, conventions, ran out of steam to persuade to further discrediting wars. So I said that the unrighteous were reduced to sabotage in the absence of the ability to call to arms. And that in itself is an odd turn of thought, since the premise of the whole consideration was that the unrighteous wanted to rid themselves of war, which they would have achieved at that point - but then, they hadn't achieved it, since even then the Corona pandemic looked like biological warfare to me.

So, I got caught up in the peculiarities of my vantage point. Still, the trend line is real, conventions are being used to shield sabotage. No conciser description could be given of the political situation in the United States today.

But why? In November 2020 I followed another tangent. I assumed that Biden would wield the strength to wage another discrediting war, thinking Corona would be phased out after it served its purpose to dethrone Trump and that the necessary public support would be somehow secured. I also stated my concerns about the coming unveiling of deep state activities, if Trump would win.

Well, by now it is clear that Biden sabotages America's projection of power and that the United States have been paralysed right out of the halls of power by means of affronting their own people, devaluing discourse and hollow grandstanding. And that being so, the unveiling of deep state activities remains pertinent.

In this situation, seeing the United States paralysed, other powers are tempted to make their own moves, but at the same time they don't want to jerk the United States out of their paralysis. So they move cautiously.

Biden is the president who delivers Trump's program. Without Biden, there wouldn't have been any credibility to the dismantling of the deep state.

That lies in plain sight. The why? As I've pointed out in the previous few posts, the Westphalian Peace established the coexistence of Catholics and people of at best good will (as the Catholic Church puts it now) and that means as much as coexisting with the or mafias of one kind or another. And in this kind of environment it is imperative to pay attention to one's economic standing, the more so the less dynamic one's economic development is.

Well, in fairness, the second law of thermodynamics pulls us into that direction anyway, but if we had nations, in which there were no conspiracies of people, who are convinced that any economic power of outsiders is a problem to be solved (for instance, it is not enough to point out the beliefs in which the Anthroposophists diverge from Christianity, it is also necessary to list all the companies they own in a hit-piece on them), there would be less financial shackles and more trust. And in this way the Westphalian Peace is connected with Meyer Amschel Rothschild and the secularism of the French Revolution.

Anyway, there's a way out, whether the second law of thermodynamics is supported by mafias or not, namely technological progress. What the support does is to add to the natural selection of the fittest, thus effectively handing over cultural decisions to the boldest innovators. And they may become convinced that they can shape everything.

Can they? Klaus Schwab's transhumanism, supported by the Corona pandemic of bioengineering, is a bogeyman, aimed at driving people into skepticism towards technological progress. The question only is how the situation will be resolved. The Catholic Church is able to run the United States, but it cannot run the American people. It can paralyse the state - and has - but what good comes of it?

Now Russia and China have free reign - for a while. Nothing comes from nothing, and the current window of opportunity comes at a price as well. Shouldn't it be suitably worthwhile?

The people are in the chains of the system and the system provides worsening perspectives. It is built on agreement and the chains hence are of a deceiving nature. Deception is the currency that is about to lose its value, agreement among people, who have just awaken, is of little practical use or significance (the only thing it's good for is getting something on the way without considering the troubles). The result seems clear. Neither does it, in the words of Klaus Schwab, just happen, nor can anyone pride himself on causing it.

Man's power is to kill, hurt and hinder, not to create. Creation is the miracle man marvels at when looking back and asking himself what led his steps. A good warden is determined by what he watches, a bad one turns it into his desire. Bad wardens ruin their inheritance, good ones accompany it on its way. Punks are erased from the pages of history.

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