
Zur Front

23. Januar 2021

It's tolerance time again!

Ain't it wonderful? Finally we can have all the same discussions again!

I wrote something witty on the subject back in 2012, but time has a tendency to clarify matters until no wit is required no more, and so, in early 2021, I can treat the matter thus:

Intolerable people are really just insufferable people, and when you're not being suffered, because you elected to not suffer somebody, that'd be all fine and dandy, except of course when, for not suffering one person, 100 million people elect to not suffer you, which kind of makes it the ultimate form of bullying, doesn't it?, to tell you, who you can consider insufferable and who you have to suffer, because that group over there has made its mind up for you. Alas, bullies themselves are never suffered.

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